Hedge funds can produce a huge amount of gains in all market conditions. What kind of funds, do you think can yield in such a way in all market conditions? It is undoubtedly the distressed debt. A very common question is why an investor will invest in distressed debt that can prove to be a financial risk. The answer is very simple. The more risk you take in such distressed debt, the more you can gain on returns. Distressed debt can be sold at a very low par value. If the company whose distressed debt have been invested turns out to be a trustworthy company after filing bankruptcy, then the price of that companys debt will tend to rise. These large returns attract investors of hedge funds.

The hedge funds can get access to distressed debt through three options. The bond market, mutual funds and the distressed firm itself are the three options. Have a close look at each of these.
Bond market: Distressed debt can be easily obtained from the bond market because of the rules related to the holdings of mutual funds. The mutual funds are not allowed to hold bonds that have defaulted. Therefore a large amount of distressed debt can be acquired after a firm defaults.
Mutual funds: Hedge fund investors can also buy directly from mutual funds. Hedge funds can acquire large quantities and mutual funds can sell large quantities. So, both ways they need not worry about market risks involved in large transactions.
Distressed firm: This involves working with the distressed company which demands the company to extend its credit on behalf of the hedge fund. This credit can be in the form of bonds or revolving credit line.
Thus if you are in need of easy cash to help yourself with debt relief, become a hedge fund investor. This will give you access to quick cash and you can pay off your debts and lead a better life.
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